
About Me

I am a creative strategist with a passion for innovation. On this website, I share my opinions and photos.
Published by Dr Jiulin Teng on 26 Feb 2020 · Updated on 20 Feb 2023
Keywords: aboutblockchaindr-jiulin-tengdrjltfevertokensprofile
Hero Image for About Me
I am a creative strategist with a passion for innovation. Technology and business model evolution are the first places I look for competitive advantage. Currently, I work as the Head of Growth at FeverTokens, the no-code framework for sophisticated Web3 applications. Previously, I ran two tech projects with varying degrees of success.
Before dipping into entrepreneurship, I worked at McKinsey & Company as a consultant in Brussels, Belgium. I have earned a PhD degree in Strategic Management from HEC Paris in France.
From China with a background in biological sciences, I have worked in several fields and lived across five different countries. I am always open for new things to learn and new challenges to conquer. In my free time, I am a photography enthusiast.

Step-up in Web3

Since 2022, I joined the newly-founded no-code Web3 framework startup FeverTokens. FeverTokens offers industry-leading no-code solutions for Web3 applications that are as easy to use as simple smart contract template engines but come with a level of sophistication that only the few purpose-built no-code platforms attempt to offer. Some key features of FeverTokens' no-code framework include formal verification of the integrity and security of smart contracts, full-featured wallet and node management systems, and a friendly UI + flexible API with plugin support.

Tech entrepreneur

In 2018, I founded IdeaFeX. I envisioned it to offer "product futures" that leverages the distributed ledger technology (DLT) to redefine business models: Manufacturers of complex products will be able to use product futures to finance their production instead of leaning on loans. Tokens based on the DLT would function as proof of ownership that can be transferred both before and after delivery of the underlying product. As a result, businesses capture markets and reduce their exposure to market volatility, while buyers can enjoy a lower price.
In December 2019, I further founded Neofiliac. Neofiliac is a one-stop site that assembles detailed information on new products and provides easy cross-industry comparisons. With deep-learning algorithms, Neofiliac produces analytics that is unique in the market today. Consumers can also benefit from price comparison, review, and discussion functions.


  • Designed and coded the Neofiliac web and mobile application (Golang, AWS) and developed deep-learning algorithms (NLP) that analyze new products and produce research reports.
  • Co-defined, drafted, and revised all strategy aspects at IdeaFeX with my colleagues. Examples include our White Paper.
  • Developed Ethereum smart contracts for IdeaFeX. Also worked closely with our development team and wrote the entire frontend of our web application.


  • Hands-on knowledge of the latest Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms and deep learning frameworks
  • Reflections on every step of setting up and running a business, notably the importance of connecting with customers early-on and the true meaning of bootstrapping.
  • Deep understanding of the inner workings of the DLT ecosystem, in particular aspects most misunderstood by the public.


  • Programming and cloud: Golang, Python, SQL, Phalcon PHP, JavaScript, Html5, CSS3, Vue.js, Amazon AWS
  • AI: Tensorflow, Pytorch
  • Blockchain: Solidity, Ethereum smart contract, Stellar Lumens smart contract
  • Design, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects, InDesign

Management consultant

After my PhD studies, I joined McKinsey & Company as a consultant in Brussels. Working in small teams on projects ranging from pharmaceuticals to finance, I quickly learned McKinsey's problem-solving methods and gained a repertoire of communication skills with key stakeholders.


  • Developed strategic plan and conducted due diligence for clients.
  • Took part in client development in pharmaceutical, finance, TMT (Technology, Media, and Telecom), and AI (artificial intelligence) sectors.


  • Broad knowledge in the strategy and management aspects of several industries, including pharmaceutical, medical devices, finance, and TMT, etc.
  • Deep understanding in group dynamics in high-stress, high-stake scenarios.


  • Familiarity in applying fact-based problem-solving methods to real-world problems that businesses face daily.
  • Computer: Tableau, MS Excel, PowerPoint

PhD in Strategy

To uncover in depth how businesses work, in particular how they obtain and sustain strategic advantage, I spent over four years working for a PhD Degree in Strategic Management at HEC Paris, France. My main theoretic focus was game theory, and the primary lenses through which I applied it were negotiation and innovation.


  • Deep knowledge in competitive strategy, notably the application of non-cooperative game theory in negotiation and innovation. This is best showcased in my dissertation.
  • Broad understanding of theories in strategic management and marketing as well as experimental methods in social sciences.


  • Supervisor to 29 Master's students from 14 countries in Grandes Ecoles, Master in Management, and CEMS programs for their graduation theses.
  • Assistant to professors in core strategy courses for Grandes Ecoles students.


  • Methods: experiments and surveys in social sciences, econometric (statistical) methods, Bayesian statistics
  • Computer: SPSS, STATA, Mathematica, Maple, MS Outlook

Life science graduate

Driven by intellectual curiosity in the awe-inspiring nature, I joined the Biology Department at Nankai University, China. I received merit-based scholarships in each of the four years and graduated second in the class of 123. Realizing that lab experiment is not for me, I took a detour in business. In 2010, I returned to life sciences by joining the Bioentrepreneurship program at Karolinska Institute, Sweden.


  • Broad knowledge in major branches of life science, for example Molecular Biology, Genetics, Evoluitonary Biology, and Biochemistry, etc.
  • Clear understanding of the topology in commercializing life sciences, in particular the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries.


  • As a business development intern, I worked in a group that searched for acquisition candidates in compounds and medical devices in the Nordic market for Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
  • As an analyst intern, I worked in a group that reviewed the portfolio of Scandinavia Life Science Investment, a venture capital firm backed by Nordic pension funds. We also searched for buyout candidates in the Nordic market.


  • Fundamental experimental methods: biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology, etc.
  • Computer: C, C++, R, MS Word

Rich experience

Born and raised in China, I have lived in a number of countries and grown a strong character throughout the years. I am a strong believer in process over the outcome; thus, instead of relishing in past success or wallowing in past failure, I continually learn from them. One area of interest that has never faded, to me, has been my passion in creatives.


  • English: bilingual; I hold a C2 Proficiency certificate by Cambridge English since 2007 and scored 770 + 6.0 in GMAT in 2012.
  • Chinese: native; strong command of the Chinese language.
  • French: I took classes in college. After years of sporadic use, I am actively improving my French.
  • Czech: I took half a year of classes at Charles University in Prague and reached B2 level.
  • Swedish: I took classes at Stockholm University for a semester.


  • Flexibility and tolerance in working with, and adapting to, different cultures.
  • Strong believer in learning from the process, not the outcome.
  • Compromises on your wishes, never your character.


  • Photography enthusiast: some of my works can be found on my photo blog and Instagram.
  • Architectural design: I have an interest in design and architecture since I was a teenager. I also used AutoCAD and Pro/E in college.

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