Posts with Keyword “ideas”

Cover for post 76 Years After D-Day, History Shows that the USA Is as Flawed A Beacon of Democracy as the USSR was a Flawed Beacon for Socialism: It Needn't End the Same
05 Jun 2020
76 Years After D-Day, History Shows that the USA Is as Flawed A Beacon of Democracy as the USSR was a Flawed Beacon for Socialism: It Needn't End the Same
Democracy has not been fully implemented in the USA, just like socialism was not correctly implemented in the USSR. Can protests after police killing of Geor...
Cover for post How Did President Trump Get Elected in 2016? Because People Voted with Their Hearts
31 May 2020
How Did President Trump Get Elected in 2016? Because People Voted with Their Hearts
Donald Trump won the 2016 election because he was loved by voters who are like him and who are enamored by his confidence and projection of competence. Trump...