Posts with Keyword “politics”

Cover for post Macron’s Gamble Looks Set to Pay Off: After First Round of the 2024 French Parliamentary Election
03 Jul 2024
Macron’s Gamble Looks Set to Pay Off: After First Round of the 2024 French Parliamentary Election
Emmanuel Macron took a gamble after the European elections last month with the snap election. After the first round, it appears to me that this high-stake gamble is likely to pay off with a strengthening of his grip on power.
Cover for post How Did President Trump Get Elected in 2016? Because People Voted with Their Hearts
31 May 2020
How Did President Trump Get Elected in 2016? Because People Voted with Their Hearts
Donald Trump won the 2016 election because he was loved by voters who are like him and who are enamored by his confidence and projection of competence. Trump...
Cover for post The Shy Corbynites: Despite Weak Polling Numbers Three Weeks Prior to the General Election, Labour Will Win on 12 December [Prediction]
27 Feb 2020
The Shy Corbynites: Despite Weak Polling Numbers Three Weeks Prior to the General Election, Labour Will Win on 12 December [Prediction]
DrJLT made the case for a Labour victory before the 2019 UK General Election. While it didn't work out, a lot of the points made here could come into pla...