Rambouillet, Mantenon, Chartres @ May 2021 [Nature, Countryside]
Here's an album of photos taken on a short trip in May 2021 through Rambouillet, Maintenon, and Chartres. Highlights include the blooming flowers in Jardin d...
![Hero Image for Rambouillet, Mantenon, Chartres @ May 2021 [Nature, Countryside]](/x/img/46/80/1620946215_t2.jpg)
This album features photos taken on a short road trip after the lockdown was lifted in May 2021. On this trip, I passed by Rambouillet, Maintenon, and Chartres in northern France.
The highlight from Rambouillet is undoubtedly the garden Jardin du roi de Rome. Also notable is the Notre-Dame de Chartres church.
Gallery: Rambouillet @ May 2021

Gallery: Maintenon @ May 2021

Gallery: Chartres @ May 2021