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Printing Money to Incentivize Childbirth in China is a Ludicrous Idea #27

Some influencer economist proposed that China print trillions of yuan and give this money to young couples to incentivize childbearing. The idea is ludicrous in (a) its method, money-printing, and (b) its goal, population growth in China.
Published by Dr Jiulin Teng on 13 Mar 2022 · Updated on 13 Mar 2022
Keywords: chinademographydrjlt-economics
Hero Image for Printing Money to Incentivize Childbirth in China is a Ludicrous Idea #27
Some "influencer economist" proposed that China print trillions of yuan and give this money to young couples to incentivize childbearing. The idea is ludicrous in (a) its method, money-printing, and (b) its goal, population growth in China.
In this podcast, I lay out the specific set of circumstances where money printing might be considered as a policy tool: specifically, it should only be used to restart the economy after a recession. I also argue that any population growth at this stage would have negative short-, mid-, and long-term effects on the Chinese economy and the stability of the nation.
You can find this podcast on YouTube, Rumble, and Odysee.

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