
Potential Rapprochement Between China and India (after US Threatens Sanctions) #38

In this podcast, I discuss the potent rapprochement between China and India. This is in the context of a. the central bank of a sovereign nation and major economic power was sanctioned and its assets seized, b. the US threat to sanction India.
Published by Dr Jiulin Teng on 31 Mar 2022
Keywords: chinadrjlt-economicsindia
Hero Image for Potential Rapprochement Between China and India (after US Threatens Sanctions) #38
In this podcast, I discuss the potent rapprochement between China and India. This is in the context of a. the central bank of a sovereign nation and major economic power was sanctioned and its assets seized, b. the US threat to sanction India.
First, I discussed the benefits that a rapprochement would bring not only to China and India but also to the world in building a balanced system that allows all to develop their countries and to improve the standards of living of their own people.
Then, I pointed out three main challenges.
Lastly, I predicted the likelihood of this happening contingent on future events.
You can find this podcast on YouTube, Rumble, and Odysee.

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