Risk of a Destabilized Central & Eastern Europe #39
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is exposed to two destabilizing factors that could lead it down a path of instability: a. EU leaders recklessly send weapons, mercenaries, and "volunteers" to the region to engage in armed conflict. b. Huge influx of refug
Published by Dr Jiulin Teng on 31 Mar 2022
Keywords: drjlt-economicseurope

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is exposed to two destabilizing factors that could lead it down a path of instability: a. EU leaders recklessly send weapons, mercenaries, and "volunteers" to the region to engage in armed conflict. b. Huge influx of refugees put burden on the social and economic systems.
In this podcast, I lay out two scenarios of the current conflict and discuss how either would mean for the stability of CEE. In short, they involve either proxy war or insurgency war.
I also discuss how the path to destabilization could be for CEE.
Lastly, I discuss who the winners and losers may be if this happens.