Need & Prospects of the 6th French Republic #47
The 5th French Republic is in trouble. In this podcast, I discuss its problems, red herrings, solutions, and prognosis.
Published by Dr Jiulin Teng on 31 Mar 2022
Keywords: drjlt-economicsfrance

The 5th French Republic is in trouble. In this podcast, I discuss its problems, red herrings, solutions, and prognosis.
1. Bureaucracy
2. Institutionalized corruption
3. Foreign influence (EU, NATO, US)
Red herrings:
1. Immigrants
2. Russia, China
1. Get out of EU, NATO
2. Cut bureaucracy and improve competitiveness
3. Get rid of institutionalized corruption
Not happening this election cycle. Macron will win, and things will get worse before it gets better.